Adding a Second Dog

Sometimes, taking care of one dog can seem like more than enough pleasure – and effort! – but sometimes, it might make sense to add a second furry friend to the pack. The decision is not an easy one, so here are some hot takes and tips to help you navigate this decision.
First of all, ask yourself, why are you getting a second dog? Is it to better your household or to escape an issue? A second dog can mitigate some problems you may be having with your dog situation at the moment, but it is never a panacea. Think double the cost, double the space requirements, double the mess.
If you are still up for the challenge – and excitement – read on!
Canine to Five owner Liz Blondy has had dogs her whole life – sometimes one, sometimes two. There are benefits and drawbacks to both. “Right now, I have one puppy – Clover, a Newfoundland – and that is right for my partner and I at the moment. But we have also had two dogs at once and they were really bonded and it was awesome.”
Considerations include budget, travel, day-to-day care, walks, home size and accommodations, family responsibilities, and, perhaps most importantly, how your dogs may or may not get along.
Good news is that you have a partner in Canine to Five. We can be a huge assistance to all dog owners, but those with two or more pets can find us to be a real life-saver!
Liz’s friend and Canine to Five customer Kelli has also gone through the one dog/two dog change multiple times. She added Exley, a Catahoula, to her pack when her retriever mix Finnegan was 13 and starting to fade. Ex helped make Finn’s last year much more enjoyable.
After a couple of years with just Ex, she recently added a 9-year-old Blue Tick Coon Hound, Jack, to the family. He has helped with Exley’s separation anxiety but, because he was an outdoor hunting dog before being turned into a shelter Up North, he is lacking some indoor manners, which have rubbed off a bit on Ex.
“Overall, I would say it’s been a positive, but the cost and extra work are no joke!” she says. “I have a seasonal business and can work very long hours in the summer. Doggie daycare and dog boarding with Canine to Five has been essential to making my life work. Jack has really benefited from the socialization, while Exley thrives from the added exercise he gets.”
Before you take the plunge, we recommend you have a conversation with your vet and one of our pack handlers at Canine to Five. They might have some insight as to what kind of traits to look for in a second dog.
Look at the numbers, including your vet and dog daycare costs, dog boarding needs, and dog grooming budget as well as the expense of twice the food and treats. It’s never fun, but absolutely necessary.
We’ve compiled some reading for you to help you make your decision.
Adding a New Dog to a Multi-Dog Household – Plan Ahead! From Whole Dog Journal
When Should You Get a Second Dog from the American Kennel Association
Adding Another Dog to Your Home from WebMD
Things to Consider About Introducing a New Dog from Dogster
Finally, please know that if you decide to go ahead and add to your pack, Canine to Five will be there every step of the way!
To learn more about Canine To Five, and our multi-dog discount, check us out at